Kevin Amter | T-Mobile


2011 was a year of unprecedented uncertainty for T-Mobile, or any other business for that matter. Just before the holidays, the U.S. Department of Justice vetoed the $39 billion dollar merger with AT&T, leaving the mobile company with a loss of 802,000 customers and a huge challenge: How to reboot the brand in record time? We called it radical reappraisal.

T-Mobile clearly needed a voice beyond the cute, cost effective choice for a female dominated target market. They were more innovative than the price point campaign they had invested multi-millions in, which featured Canadian model turned spokesperson Carly Foukes. Carly had established massive recall within the market as the girl in the pink dress, but wasn't being used to leverage T-Mobile's points-of-difference. Instead of walking away from that investment we embraced it with an overarching campaign idea called 'No More Mr Nice Girl' featuring Carly Foukes's "Alter Ego." This represented T-Mobile's actual challenger brand persona. Confident, courageous, independent and edgy. A mantra for the brand and employee base as a whole. As Peter DeLuca, T-Mobile SVP of brand, advertising and communications, put it. "Carly's Alter Ego is synonymous with the evolution of the T-Mobile brand as we continue to push the envelope with device and service innovation to deliver amazing 4G experiences."

The executions focused on the mobile categories key competitive attributes: speed, coverage and innovation. The fully integrated campaign pushed to letting consumers test the network against all competition, in real time. A complete rebrand. Network television, digital, video, e-commerce, packaging, print, out-of-home, online advertising, brand guidelines and microsites. 'No More Mr Nice Girl' was the most effective campaign T-Mobile ever produced.

Top-line data for "Radical Reappraisal:"

Owned media: traffic increase: 5 million visitors with +2 minute engagement (2x’s norm).

Earned media:
Immeasurable multi-millions.

Campaign metrics:
90% message recall and 33% brand consideration for TV spots
16% increase positive brand momentum
67% positive brand perception
45% increase in Facebook fans
700% increase in click through rates (7x’s higher than normal)
216,000 new customers per month

The success of the marketing campaign's efforts was remarkable. Please watch the case study video for a detailed breakdown of analytics, performance indicators, metrics and measurements.

  • Ad Age: T-Mobile Talks Tough For Its Comeback, Vowing 'No More Mr Nice Girl'
  • Business Insider: T-Mobile Girl Abandons Her Pink Dresses For Black Leather
  • The Drum: T-Mobile launches ‘Alter Ego’ ad campaign
  • Wired: Why the 'T-Mobile Girl' Is Really Getting a Makeover
  • YaHoo: T-Mobile Spokeswoman Gets a Makeover
  • INC: Is Your Marketing Too... Nice? T-Mobile tries on a new, tougher image in its advertising
  • The Verge: T-Mobile's Carly trades dresses for a Ducati in company-wide 'brand refresh'
  • International Photography Awards Show: T-Mobile 2.0 Ad Campaign
  • T-Mobile USA Reports Third Quarter 2012 Operating Results
  • Client: T-Mobile
    Date: 10.20.2012
    Media: Integrated
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